Mr. Seyyed Mohammad KHATAMI, , has addressed a letter to Mr. Ban Ki-MOON

14 January 2015 | 09:00 Code : 29 News and Events Related Documents Publications
Mr. Seyyed Mohammad KHATAMI, founder and president of FDC, has addressed a letter to Mr. Ban Ki-MOON Secretary General of the United Nations, condemning terrorist’s attacks in Paris and calls for civilized dialogue aiming at “Historical Reconciliation”.
Mr. Seyyed Mohammad KHATAMI, , has addressed a letter to Mr. Ban Ki-MOON

Mr. Seyyed Mohammad KHATAMI, founder and president of FDC, has addressed a letter to Mr. Ban Ki-MOON Secretary General of the United Nations, condemning terrorist’s attacks in Paris and calls for civilized dialogue aiming at “Historical Reconciliation”.  


Mr. Khatami in his letter strongly condemns “the deplorable terrorist attacks in Paris and similar worrying incidents that have occurred prior to and since then, which are all examples of the unfortunate and inhumane consequences of terrorism and extremism in the East and the West.” He calls on United Nations, international organizations, governments, civil societies, and the world’s leaders and elite communities to condemn these events not only by words but also by deeds via taking practical steps at all levels.”


Mr. Khatami is of the view that “violence and extremism has created a burning inferno that is devouring people of all faiths, nations and creeds throughout the world. Terrorism and violence has various roots, which must be addressed. But unfortunately what is sometimes done in the name of combating terrorism and violence does not contribute to the solution but instead adds fuel to this raging fire. The world community today witnesses an increased polarization between “Islam and the West”. The ground is fertile for further building enemy images, stereotypes, Islamophobia, and generalizations of one another with deadly consequences. At the very heart of the mounting political and military tensions now across the globe especially in the Middle East are deep religious issues that are either to or particularly exacerbated within the particular religion or within the relationships among the Abrahamic family of religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. As Daesh (ISIS) deplorable actions in recent days have illustrated nearly identical religious issues as well as misusing religion beliefs are driving forces behind the social and political dynamics in the relationships amongst international community.


“If the voice of dialogue, peace and tolerance that echoed through the United Nations at a sensitive historic time and was welcomed by all was taken seriously and we sought to identify the root causes of this phenomenon through practical and enforceable solutions and the United Nations and international organizations could compel politicians to abide by the necessities for establishing peace and civil organizations, intellectuals and scholars took significant steps on this path, we would not be seeing such a bitter situation today.”


Mr. Khatami calls on international communities, policymakers, intellectuals and religious leaders to ensure the need for “Historical Reconciliation” as a prime objective of dialogue among civilizations, and effective strategy against extremisms and religious sectarianism.

FDC is prepared to work with individual leaders, international communities, and likeminded organizations for applying dialogue ideas and methods.


Full text of the letter is in attachment


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